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  • Alpha Consultant

Why Choose 

Alpha Consultants?


Alpha have years of experience, in the deployment  of complex IT Solutions.

In today's IT market place, a whole industry has grown up with companies offering reseller solutions.

In basic terms they are merely sales companies offering off the shelf solutions to clients.

At Alpha our in house  Project Management team work closely with our clients to not only evaluate their needs but implement them in staged sprints, thus reducing  both business interruption and costs.


Alpha Consultants in house engineers, deploy solutions directly to you the client, configuring and migrating mail boxes, SharePoint design and implementation, Storage requirements, Azure and much more ensuring a seamless transition to your new services.


Alpha Consultants, ensure that no user confusion exists, thus reducing any business interruption. We operate via webinars and specific point to point user training, a comprehensive staff training model on all new deployments. this training hosted by our in house teams provide the ongoing support needed in any new venture.

People matter, and any new deployment is only as good as the individuals using it. 


Alpha boasts its own in house, cyber security team, that will not only provide and implement robust security infrastructure, but will train your in house IT administration staff, in the use of both endpoint and cloud based security solutions such as that offered by Azure, 365 and Amazon AWS.

We can then continue to monitor your security posture  remotely as part of our managed services and apply any needed adjustments. In this way our services further reduce costs to yourselves by eliminating the need for costly in house Cyber Security Staff.


In conclusion.

We can take the costly and complex IT concerns away from you offering a tailored service that fits your needs and budget. We Asses, We Advise,We Project Manage, We Design, We Train, and we support. All so you don't need to.

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